Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bitter Arugala Has Ruined My Day

Today I learned how hard it will be to survive in the post apocolyptic world, when there aren't massive industrial supply chains bringing us all so much food we can throw out nearly a third of that which we produce...the arugula I've been growing for a few weeks now, which I harvested for the first time this morning, is bitter, awfully bitter, unconsumably bitter. This happened to me once before when I tried to grow lettuce last Fall. How it is that I can't grow the two easiest no brainer crops is beyond me, but it's a fact, I'm no good at growing things, I have some retarded Midas touch, where everything I plant turns to bitter. I don't have the patience to learn from these things, look up where I went wrong, correct it, remember it for next year, though because I wrote that, I will now do it. But the whole apocalypse thing came to me when Jim Bledsoe made a sign for some girls shooting a movie at the Kitchen, a sign saying humanity is doomed, we lose...Bledsoe will probably stand a fighting chance in the apocalypse, just cause he's bat shit crazy and good at building shit. How will I fare?

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